
Thursday, October 2, 2008

A baby is just like your customer...

... cause they are never WRONG.

1) You blame the restaurant when the food is lousy, but you'll only blame on your cooking when your baby doesn't eats

2) You blame on the milk when your baby's not drinking

3) You blame on your lack of understanding when your baby throws a tantrum

4) You'll still blame yourself for neglecting when your baby falls down despite several warnings

5) You blame yourself when your baby lose weight

These are just about the little things that mothers are constantly worrying themselves with. And I've been blaming myself ever since Jayden's milk/food intake dropped drastically from the last time he recovered.

He used to be able to polish up a bowl full of porridge / 180ml of milk within minutes. But nowadays, it's a TORTURE to feed him. His milk intake has dropped to a pathetic 120ml/feed. That is a normal intake for a 3 month old!! Thereafter, I can only coax him to swallow another 30ml thru cereal. Porridge feeding involves another round of singing, clapping, dancing before he takes HALF a bowl.

What has happened to the little one?! Is he starting to get fussy? Or could it be my cooking? The milk? The environment? I cannot imagine when he enters the Terrible Twos. Nowadays, he's already rejecting all forms of coaxing. And it's driving me nuts!

What happened to the innocent cooing & ignorant infant?


Jayden's breath has started to smell also ever since he started on solids. Even brushing his teeth regularly is not helping. I only recongnized how terrible it smelt when he slobbered me in his kisses in the morning. YYUUUCCKS but so sweet too. hahaha... I miss the milky baby breath. :(