I am hoping that this shyness will go away when he grows up.
The photos are deluding though it shows that he is having alot of fun - ON HIS OWN.
I try to write here once in a while - about my kid and little bits of my lacklustre life
3 months: Loves talking - coos and ah-goos,Squeals in delight and laugh out loudly,Can lift head at 45 degrees when lying on stomach,Reach his hands out for toys hanging above him,Refuses to talk / look at daddy when he gets scolded
4 months: Uses his head to push himself forward,Hold head steady whem upright, squeals, roll over both ways,bear some weight on legs when held upright
5 months: Smile back when you smile, gives you a hi-5 when you do the same, can stand for longer periods when supported,keep looking at his toys when you turn him away, babbles with "ah-ah-ah", "uh-uh-uh"
6 months: Had his 1st solids, cuts his 1st tooth, able to feed himself biscuit, sits upright with support, lurges forward to crawl, drags objects to himself, bangs objects
7 months: Cuts his 2nd tooth, sits upright without support, crawls all over the place, able to sit upright from crawling position, stands while holding onto cot, signals "bye bye" sometimes, shows choice of preference of whom to carry, shows temper whenyou don't carry, loves splashing his legs in the water, starts to "ah-bu" again, wakes up sitting up
8 months+: Cuts 4 top tooth, able to stand from sitting position and return back to sitting position, cruises when supported, 1st word "Ba Ba", knows how to look for something when asked, removes your hands when you play Peek-A-Boo,Loves giving you the cheeky grin before doing something dangerous, bang two objects together to create sound
10 months:Has 8 teeth (4 top, 4 bottom), holds his own bottle, likes to put his pacifier in your mouth,keeps saying "Apple", knows how to seek sympathy when scolded, drinks from the straw
11 months: Took his 1st baby step, able to walk 10 steps unassisted before falling down, able to find the water bottle at night and feed himself, feeds mummy & daddy biscuits, whistles on cue, loves to watch Barney, say "Bus" when he spots one
And unfortunately, we stopped counting... ...
I love the cake.
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