
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Ziv's birthday

Last Saturday, Jayden attended his friend's 1st birthday.

And as usual, cheeky Jayden was there again to annoy Ziv.

After the boys & the tissue wipes war, off they went to the playarea!

There was...

Jayden in the doggie whatever...
And we had baby Aria to join in the fun too!

Innocent Aria & The Shy Birthday Boy Ziv

And of course, there was the ever-so-full-of-mischief, Jayden... *mummy hides face in the mud*

Of course, they didn't let him off that easily...

But it wasn't long and he was back to more mischief...

P.S. Jayden happened to turn 9 months as well that day! Happy 9 months baby! Soon it'll be your turn! :)