I thought it would have been another Armageddon or Independance Day action flick that would have had us applauding on the visual effects. However, 2012 struck me with a different tone.
Perhaps it was age that has caught up, perhaps it was motherhood that has enhanced my emotions. I had alot of revelations when the scene of people dying, people losing their loved ones kept playing in front of me.
What will I do if I knew the end is near? Most probably nothing. Because I'm not rich enough to be kept alive. But I know I will risk my life to make sure Jayden lives.
Before I was a mother, my priorities were just circled around myself. Having being taught to be independant at a very young age, I learnt the hard way that if I needed to get myself something, I would have to earn my way thru part-timing. Because of that, I worked hard to buy the luxurious items (be it a toy, a new dress or a nice pair of shoes) I knew my parents will not pay a cent for. I must admit that I grew up to be quite a selfish person and took money issues very seriously.
That was until motherhood changed me.
It has taught me that love is non-material, is unconditional and boundless. I still find children's cries annoying. But surprisingly, your own child's cries sound like a knife piercing through your heart. Your tolerance level magnifies a hundred times more. Their smiles warms your heart instantly. And most importantly of all, you never stop worrying for them, to make sure they always gets the best.
2012 - indeed a awe-inspiring movie. Kudos to the producers!
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